Biggest eccentricities of footballers #1
11:16Zlatan Ibrahimovic and his own search engine

The swedish player has his own Internet search engine, whose search results are always related to Ibrahimovic, so that their followers can easily find all the information about their idol. The initiative has come from the SweetPpo agency, who has chosen the footballer for this original project.
Mario Balotelli and his statue

After scoring a crucial goal for Italy against Germany in Euro 2012, Balotelli tore his shirt and while clenching his teeth and fists, he did a pose that gave much to talk about. That pose went so viral, that he wanted to recreate it asking for a statue of himself in real size made with platinum, bronze and precious stones embedded in his eyes.
Leo Messi and his privacy

The FC Barcelona player bought the house from its neighbors at 1.5 million euros (3 times it's actual value) to avoid annoying noises around and enjoy the privacy with your family.
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